Special thanks to Chief Sexton (Ret), standing far right in the photo, who sent us some historical photos, include is the listing of Team Operators who were involved with the AFSESF at the SP Academy, circa 1978-1979. Chief Sexton is responsible for developing the T.N.T. and E.S.T. course curriculum and ESBI D-11, that was taught at the SP Academy from 1978-1992. The AFSESF received advanced training from various sources including "Delta" on explosive entry and the use of stun grenades. As you may know, the EST patch you see on this site is dedicated to this instructor cadre for their "first Operational" mission called "Operation Eagle", the responsibility of securing the Shah of Iran while he was seeking refuge and medical care in the United States after the Iranian Hostage Crisis. The mission ended with their escort mission to Panama, where the Shah of Iran was granted refuge. Personally to me, this photo symbolizes the committment to the Concept of Operations for Emergency Service Teams. Currently, the Air Force doesn't have a "school house" for EST, as most USAF installations who do support having teams, rely on the US Army SRT School or locally developed training.

Below, a young Lee Sexton, going through some training. Thanks Chief for sharing.

El Jefe